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Thyroid Detox

This Little Tiny Gland Hiding Inside Your
Neck Determines Whether Your
Body Will Burn Fat—Or Store Fat

After more than 20 years of being a fitness professional…

I had no clue this was the “missing link” of the weight loss equation.

It was never taught in any of the certifications I achieved…

But as I reviewed all the scientific literature Dr. Brad sent me…

It all started to make sense.

That’s when I discovered the real truth about what was wrong with my metabolism.

What I never realized is…

Your Thyroid Gland is the most metabolically "active" gland inside your entire body

Unfortunately, this is not public knowledge…

But the numbers don’t lie…

Americans are clueless about their thyroid-induced-fat-gain.

According to the American Thyroid Association…1

40% of all Americans suffer from thyroid dysfunction

20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease

60% are completely unaware they have this problem

So when your thyroid is not functioning properly — which is the case for the majority of people over 40…

Losing even a single pound can become seemingly impossible.

Uncontrollable weight-gain and excessive fat-storage are inevitable.

ESPECIALLY around the tummy, backside and thighs…


A 12-Second Remedy That “Reactivates” The Full-Fat-Burning Potential Of EVERY Cell Inside YOUR BODY

The first nutrient I started researching from Dr. Brad’s list was Iodine.

I quickly realized why it’s #1 on the list…

Iodine deficiency is surprisingly common and affects nearly a third of the world’s population…8

Which means there’s a very strong chance you’re one of them.

Unfortunately, today’s toxic world has stripped our diets of nutrient dense food sources containing iodine.

In fact, over the last 40 years, average iodine levels in people’s diets have declined by 50 percent, just in the U.S. alone.

And here’s the thing…

Your body can't make thyroid hormones without Iodine.

When there is insufficient (or no) iodine in the foods you eat…

Your thyroid gland doesn’t have the raw material it needs to do what it is designed to do.

Since your body cannot make iodine on its own, the ONLY way to get the right amount is through outside sources.

But if you provide your body with the adequate levels of iodine it needs…

It will improve your overall metabolic health in several different ways…

  • Converts thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) into its active, usable form to help regulate body weight and increase resting metabolic rate (RMR)

  • Powerful antioxidant protection (as potent as vitamin C)

  • Responsible for preventing thinning hair and brittle nails

  • Reduces thyroid gland inflammation

It’s safe to say, Iodine is more than just essential in order for you to optimize your body’s master fat-burning gland.

It’s pretty much mandatory.

The 2nd Thyroid Hormone
Booster Is Called Selenium

Selenium and Iodine have a synergic relationship that makes this another “essential” nutrient for thyroid hormone production.

It also helps the body produce the powerful antioxidant known as, glutathione…

Which protects the thyroid gland from free radicals.

This reduces inflammation and combats oxidative stress.10

Most importantly…

Selenium Converts Your T4 Inactive Thyroid Hormones Into The T3 Active Form Your Body Can Readily Use

This, in turn, allows this trace-mineral to “activate” your thyroid hormones so they can be used by all the cells of your body.

As you can see…

Selenium is critical for thyroid health for a variety of evidence-based reasons…

  • Protecting your thyroid gland from toxins and inflammation…
  • Guarding your cells from damage and infection…

And ultimately making sure your body can convert T4 into T3, arguably the most important part of thyroid gland health.

The 3rd Thyroid Boosting Nutrient "Signals" Your Cells To Release Fat-Burning Hormones

Zinc deficiencies are associated with DECREASED thyroid hormone levels and lower resting metabolic rate…

8 Bonus Ingredients that make The OVER-40 Thyroid Detox Formula even MORE effective…

We recently decided to add eight more thyroid boosting nutrients to our already proven formula for one simple reason…

To enhance its effectives even further.

Each ingredient is specifically designed to work in synergy with…

Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Ashwagandha, Bladderwrack, and L-Tyrosine.

Making it even more powerful…

  • Vitamin B-12 (supports thyroid energy production to eliminates fatigue)
  • Magnesium (helps convert T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3)
  • Schizandra (fights against thyroid free radical damage)
  • Copper (helps the thyroid gland function optimally)
  • Manganese (further reduces thyroid inflammation)
  • Molybdenum (prevents toxic buildup of fluoride, which can damage the thyroid)
  • Cayenne Pepper (naturally boosts and supports metabolism)
  • Kelp (a type of seaweed that replenishes iodine levels)

With the addition of these eight thyroid protecting, metabolism boosting nutrients…

You will have everything necessary to “reactivate” the full, fat-burning potential of your body.




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